

168 Phạm Văn Đồng, Xuân Đỉnh, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

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Porche 977 gt3 cup ‘sun edition’

As we have come to expect from the Porsche design department, the changes to the

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Porche 977 gt3 cup ‘sun edition’

As we have come to expect from the Porsche design department, the changes to the styling of the new Cayenne can best be described as ‘minimal’. In truth, customers will be hard-pressed to tell the one from the other but, dig a little deeper, and you’ll notice the changes. As we have come to expect from the Porsche design department, the changes to the styling of the new Cayenne can best be described as ‘minimal’. In truth, customers will be hard-pressed to tell the one from the other but, dig a little deeper, and you’ll notice the changes.

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As we have come to expect from the Porsche design department, the changes to the styling of the new Cayenne can best be described as ‘minimal’. In truth, customers will be hard-pressed to tell the one from the other but, dig a little deeper, and you’ll notice the changes. As we have come to expect from the Porsche design department, the changes to the styling of the new Cayenne can best be described as ‘minimal’. In truth, customers will be hard-pressed to tell the one from the other but, dig a little deeper, and you’ll notice the changes



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